Saturday, November 21, 2009

An encounter with a couple undercover narcotics cops...

So recently i bought a portable vaporizer. It looked the same as the one in the picture except it was blue. This vapo was freaking fantastic for the two weeks that i got to enjoy it. I loved that it was portable and because it's a vaporizer it made no smoke, so no obvious smell either. There's an empty place in my room where my little blue vape used to be. I miss it :(

Just the other night I was down by the water front in my car blasting some tunes with a friend of mine. We were smoking with my vape. (Don't worry haters.. my house is literally down the street from where i was and I live in a REALLY small town so there's not really much chance of a car accident.. and besides.. i drive better when i'm high.. because i'm so careful.)

Anyways... two undercover narcotic cops showed up and pretended that they were just random guys that wanted to say hello. They asked what we were doing, and since i didn't think they were cops i showed them my vape.

Long story short they made me smash it.

But before I did, both of the cops told me that they were just doing their job and if they weren't on duty they probably would've let me leave. My main argument of the night (seeing as how i was baked out of my mind when they showed up) was that they weren't going to be able to stop me from smoking weed, so why wouldn't they let me keep my vapo because it's the safest method of smoking? The cops apologized sincerely and said that they wished i had driven home five minutes before they got there.

I asked them if they smoked pot. One of them admitted that on vacation he smokes a lot and even has his own bong (to which his partner was aghast!). The other said he would never smoke it as long as it's illegal, but he's a strong supporter of the legalization campaign.

So basically... i had to smash my vape for two cops that don't believe weed is bad at all.

Stoner Music #1

When you're high your senses are hyperactive. That's why everything is so awesome.
Things look better than they actually are.
Food tastes better.
Shampoo smells better.
Fabric feels better.

And my favorite...
Music sounds better.

I will be making more of these posts because music is just such a huge topic when it comes to being high. I'm only going to talk about one band at a time though.

This post is dedicated to the one and only: Ratatat

If you have never heard of Ratatat then you are sorely missing out on the greatest musical duo to ever walk the planet since... i dunno.. since simon and garfunkle (can't think of any other duo's haha)

Ratatat's music is all instrumental which I think is great for when you're high. They have songs that will get you stoked, and songs that will calm you down. If you need to get pumped, Ratatat has a song, if you just want to chill, Ratatat has the perfect songs.

The best Ratatat song (this is, of course, debatable since they're all great) is 'Seventeen Years'

Other songs worth checking out by Ratatat:

Loud Pipes






Those are my favorites, but I like almost all of Ratatat's music. If you are in the need of a new band/musical talent to enjoy... Ratatat is calling. CLICK HERE for their website.

More stoner music coming soon :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Why do YOU think marijuana is illegal?

For a brief summary of the history of marijuana CLICK HERE.

So... why do you think marijuana is illegal? Watch this video below to see what some other people thought.

I did not make this video. All credits go to Marijuana Policy Posse.

Gourmet Honey Weed Brownies

6 ounces of unsweetened chocolate
6 ounces (3/4 cup) of weed butter
4 eggs
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 1/4 cups of honey
4 cups of flour
3 tablespoons of whiskey or rum (optional)
Greased 9x12 baking dish or pan

Begin by melting the chocolate in a double-boiler saucepan.
Add the weed butter and honey. Mix well.
Add eggs, salt, and vanilla. Mix again.
Add flour. Mix a final time.
Pour into pan.
Bake 35 minutes at 375 degrees.
Remove from oven.
Allow 1 hour to cool and set before cutting.
Cut into 2 inch squares and place in ziploc bag for storage or freezing.

For variety with these weed brownies try adding 3 tablespoons of whiskey, rum or cognac to enrich the flavour; or 1 1/2 cups of cherry halves and 2 tablespoons of brandy; or drops of mint extract in batter to taste; or 2 tablespoons of instant coffee crystals dissolved in 1 tablespoon of hot water.

Serve with rich coffee, tea, port, or wine.

Enjoy eating your own home-made marijuana brownies! :)


When I have debates about marijuana with anti-marijuana activists these are the main points I always have to fight.

1. Marijuana causes brain damage!
First of all there is no possible way marijuana could kill or damage brain cells. Out of the 350+ chemicals that do exist in marijuana none of them cause brain damage. In fact they dont even make brain cells dormant, what they do is "confuse" brain cells for the time that your high, blazed, stoned, baked, ripped, etc... When the high wears off, your brain cells return to normal.

2.Marijuana is a gateway drug!
This myth is one of the most unsupported. If somebody is hanging out with the wrong people and they decide to try heroin, cocaine, or some other hard drug there is nobody to blame but the individual. There is nothing in marijuana that makes the user want to try something else. Personally, I'm quite happy with the buzz that comes from weed and I have no desire to try harder drugs. I know the shit that those drugs can do to you. A great case study that pretty much proves that marijuana is not a gate way drug is when the Dutch partially legalized marijuana in Holland in 1970. Hard drug use went down considerably.

3. Marijuana kills!
I feel like before I start I should mention that alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and food are the number one killers in North America. Weed isn't on the list of 'things you should be wary of' because there has never been a recorded death that has been due to marijuana. There was a car accident one time where the guy died and he had been smoking, but one car accident is hardly enough evidence to say that marijuana kills. Marijuana delivers 3 times more tar to the lungs than tobacco but only if it is being smoked in RIDICULOUS amounts (and this is coming from me, and i smoke at least 3g a day). Also, marijuana contains more carcinogenic chemicals than tobacco, but if you smoke with a vaporizer, or a bong, those chemicals are completely filtered from what you inhale so that you end up inhaling pure THC vapor.

4. There are over 1000 chemicals in marijuana smoke!
This is true, but incredibly misleading. People who hear/read statements like these automatically think that this is a terrible truth. The August 1990 issue of the magazine 'Science' notes that of the over 800 volatile chemicals present in roasted coffee, only 21 have actually been tested on animals and 16 of these cause cancer in rodents. Yet, coffee remains legal and is generally considered fairly safe. If you're freaking out about marijuana having chemicals in it, you should probably re-assess everything in your life.

5. You could die of marijuana overdose!
No,actually, that's impossible. Animal tests have revealed that extremely high doses of cannabinoids are needed to have lethal effect. This has led scientists to conclude that the ratio of the amount of cannabinoids necessary to get a person intoxicated (i.e., stoned) relative to the amount necessary to kill them is 1 to 40,000. In other words, to overdose, you would have to consume 40,000 times as much marijuana as you needed to get stoned in a short period of time. Which is impossible unless you could somehow figure out a way to inject that much THC into your bloodstream. In contrast, the ratio for alcohol varies between 1 to 4 and 1 to 10. It is easy to see how upwards of 5000 people die from alcohol overdoses every year and no one ever dies of marijuana overdoses.

6. Marijuana is addictive!
People always pull this one out on me. They always say: 'People abuse marijuana and die.' Like i mentioned before, you can't die from smoking weed, and that's a faulty argument, because you could say that about anything. You could say that people abuse cheeseburgers and die! Except that sentence is true. Marijuana is not physically addicting, but it does have slight mentally addictive traits. All I mean by this is that weed is so fucking great and not harmful in any way that once you discover what you've been missing, you want more. But if you had to stop, you wouldn't go through denial or withdrawal or anything.

Alright so those are the main arguments that anti-marijuana activists bring up. Some main points I want to call your attention to:
  • Marijuana is safer than alcohol.
  • Marijuana is safer than caffeine.
  • Marijuana is safer than tobacco.
  • Marijuana is safer than fast-foods.
  • All those things are legal... so wtf?
Do your research. Learn more about marijuana. It's not as bad as the government leads you to believe. CLICK HERE if you're an innovative individual and you want to be more educated.

Buying Weed Online - is it even possible?

I get asked this all the time.

"Can you buy weed online? I don't like having a dealer."

I'm always a little weirded out by people who would prefer to buy from a faceless stranger online rather than a real dealer. But I answer their question. And if you have ever been curious about buying weed online, please read on, and I will try to answer the best I can.

First of all, I need to clarify. Anywhere you see on a website claims to having 'Legal Bud' try to remember that there is no substitution for weed. A perfect example of this:

It looks legit right?
Well, it is legit in that they sell awesome vape's and bongs and shit, but they definitely don't sell any real dope. It's also too cheap to be weed. Nobody sells a pound of weed for 250 dollars. Unless they're being generous. The bud that they are selling on that website (and many others like it) are not the same as marijuana. The plants contain no THC or other cannabinoids and I highly recommend that you do not waste your money. They may claim that these are 'high potent smokes', but don't believe it for a second.
I ordered a small amount because I was curious and I wanted to know for sure that i wasn't missing out on something awesome.
If you want to get high... Smoke a joint.
If you want a fucking raging head-ache... Buy some legal bud online.

But there are other websites that don't claim to be selling 'legal bud'. Instead, to tip-toe around the fact that it's illegal to buy and sell mary-J online, they sell seeds!!! Most of these websites are great, if you want to grow your own cannibis plant. Just google 'buy cannabis seeds online' and you'll get a huge selection of people to buy from. I don't grow my own weed, and i've never had the urge to buy any seeds so I can't tell you which website to use if you're in the market for cannabis seeds.
be discrete if you're buying seeds online. don't get caught!

As for buying actual marijuana. I found a bunch but you need a doctors note. Like: But I wanted to find a website that was just like a regular, every day, average dealer, where I could buy all my favorite strains of weed. OG kush, purple erkle, watermelon kush... etc... etc...

THE VERDICT: i'm fuckin glad i'm canadian because all the websites I found only ship within Canada. the best BC bud is ours to enjoy. i've only bought from one website, so I won't list any others, but this site... rocks my dome. (similar to but more affordable)

Order anything you want! Although not every strain is always in stock, but seriously... ANYTHING YOU WANT. And these guys sell for the same price as any other dealer. It's not a scam because I'm fuckin high as a kite right now off the stuff they sold me so... this isn't a scam. Shipping is the only other cost you need to worry about.

So... long story short. Yes. You can buy weed online.

The Best Youtuber You're Not Already Watching

Do you love weed?
How much do you love it?
Do you love to talk about weed?
Do you love to listen to other people talk about weed?
Then you'll love this guy.

Meet Dave Warden.
He has trouble sleeping at night.
So his doctor prescribed him Medical Marijuana to help him get a healthy night's rest.
Now Dave Warden gets as much weed as he wants whenever he wants.
Dave Warden made a youtube channel.
And I thank him for that.

Not only does Dave Warden review many different strains of weed, but he also gives his expert opinion concerning bongs, pipes, vaporizers, and more. As if that weren't enough to keep me happy, Dave Warden also keeps his viewers up to date on any news that has arisen about legalizing marijuana.

If you're bored.
Or if you're high.
Or if you just love weed a lot.
I highly recommend subscribing to this youtube channel.

Don't delay my fellow tokers!
Or you'll miss out.